Illusion, the public's favorite of the Benelux!

Ontdek deze bekroonde Top 3-experience bij Epic Escape Waalwijk: Illusion. Wat heeft zich allemaal afgespeeld in de duistere werkruimte van illusionist Marcus Furore?

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Would you like to know what the pricing is for Epic Escape Waalwijk? View the pricing for our Escape Room Illusion here.

Opening hours

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Book your Experience

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Discover the new Escape Room of Epic Escape Waalwijk: Illusion. What happened in the dark workshop of illusionist Marcus Furore? More than fifty years ago, this mysterious magician enchanted the population with his gloriouses shows. During his last performance, he suddenly disappeared from the stage after a horrific accident with a spectator. When an furious group of people led by the pastor tried to burn his hideout to the ground, Marcus Furore's fate seemed sealed. But a master manipulator is always a few steps ahead of the public…

More information about Escape Experience Illusion




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Sluisweg 2J, 5145 PE, Waalwijk
+31 (0)416 534 151

KVK: 65704614
VAT: NL 856224704 B01